
After a late start, we made it to Monterey Bay at 3.00 this afternoon. That meant that the one night (yes, one!) where we were allowed to wing it, we’ve ended up in the Marriott in the town centre – not so adventurous – oops! Can’t complain, as it did mean we made the 3.30 otter feeding, which was well worth it, they are such beautiful creatures. The aquarium is just as amazing as we remember it and the kids are enthralled, so luckily we bought a two-day pass and will head back in the morning. Sorry for the lack of posts, will update on Japan and San Fran in the next few days!

About Us

Hi! We're the Arnulphy Family. In December, we sold our house and began 3 months of travelling with our 2 children, aged 3 and 6. This blog is our way of keeping in touch with our family and friends, letting them know where we are and what we're up to. Enjoy! xxx

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